Our impact

CCFLA welcomed 3 new members in 2023 for a total of 84 members including 41 enablers, 26 supply side, 11 demand side, and 6 policymakers.

In 2023, CCFLA produced 8 knowledge products: 6 reports and 2 blogs, including the major report ‘Accelerating Urban Climate Finance in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: An important strategic dimension of MDB reform.’

Secretariat staff spoke at 24 external city climate sessions in 2023 and convened stakeholders at 7 major international climate finance gatherings, including the CCFLA Annual Assembly held in London.

Read the 2023 Highlights and Impact Report

CCFLA works across 3 foundational pillars to accelerate urban climate finance



We produce practical knowledge products that can help our members advance solutions to close the urban climate finance gap.

0 %

of members found Accelerating Urban Climate Finance in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: An important strategic dimension of MDB reform the most useful knowledge product of CCFLA in 2023.

0 +

website visitors accessed CCFLA knowledge products including toolkits, publications, and other resources


knowledge products published, including 6 reports and 2 blogs



We foster connections and cooperation among members engaged in scaling investments in urban climate infrastructure.

0 %

of members surveyed have collaborated with a new organization as a result of CCFLA membership in 2023.


members’ meetings held to facilitate collaboration between different stakeholders


Advocacy Empowering

We use our expertise to inform international discussions and amplify messages from our members on the main climate forums.

0 %

of members shared events and priorities to amplify their impact during CCFLA’s pre-COP28 advocacy campaign.


flagship events hosted


speaking engagements to amplify the urban climate finance needs of cities

0 %

increase in LinkedIn followers

CCFLA members influence the urban climate finance agenda across the globe

CCFLA members have headquarters in 22 countries across 5 continents

93% of CCFLA members operate on a global scale

CCFLA members have regional offices in 172 countries

CCFLA’s financial organization members have over USD 9.5 tn in assets under management

Every year, our members produce a wide-range of knowledge products that respond to the many challenges faced by cities while accessing urban climate financing.

