Global Development Incubator (GDI) builds multi-stakeholder initiatives and partnerships to address the most pressing development challenges in the world. The organisation is non-profit and has a global mandate, with core offices in the United States, Kenya and China. Since its inception, GDI has incubated over 35 initiatives operating globally across a range of development sectors.
The Cities Investment Advisory Platform (CIAP) is an innovative financing initiative delivered as a partnership between UN-Habitat and Global Development Incubator. CIAP aims to improve the quality of life and access to services for urban communities through increasing the pace and quality of sustainable urban development in these cities. CIAP complements existing investment facilities and market making services by looking at enhancing early stage design and origination.
To learn more about the Cities Investment Advisory Platform, please visit: To collaborate, reach out to
Continuously engaging with practitioners through one on one conversations, and in this time, attending the significant number of webinars on climate finance, sustainable development and related topics.
Wadzi recently moderated a webinar on ‘Achieving Investor-Ready Sustainable City Projects’. Click here or on the image to view the webinar on Youtube.
Meeting and building working relationships with like-minded organisations. Our objective with CIAP is to increase the pipeline of bankable sustainable development projects in developing cities.
We are looking forward to co-chairing the Financing Toolbox Action Group!
Learn more about Global Development Incubator.