Posted on: Nov 10th, 2021

International Forum on Low Carbon Cities

While many cities in North-East Asia have already initiated low carbon city (LCC) development policies and strategies to reduce GHG emissions, more cities need to commit local actions to carbon neutrality following to the goals announced by each national government. To promote knowledge sharing and peer-learning on LCC activities among cities, academia and research institutes, UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office (NEASPEC secretariat) and the Incheon Metropolitan City jointly organize the first International Forum on Low Carbon Cities virtually on 23-24 November 2021, in collaboration with Incheon Climate and Environment Research Center, ICLEI, Innovative Green Development Program and Green Climate Fund.

The forum intends to complement the ongoing initiatives and bring together local governments, international organizations, regional city networks, experts and other stakeholders to deliberate key issues on scaling up city-level climate actions. Tiza Mafira, Associate Director, Climate Policy Initiative, will be speaking in the following session:

Session 4:  Green financing for low carbon cities

24 November 14:00-15:30 (GMT+9)

The session will discuss enabling conditions for climate-compatible investments in key urban sectors including energy, transport, building and waste, and modalities for mobilizing financial resources from public and private sectors.

Registration is required by 21 November 2021

For more details, please visit
