Central Asia Hub

Focusing on the cases of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, this Hub aims to increase urban climate investment directed to net zero-carbon buildings in the region


Scaling up net zero carbon buildings is critical to enhancing Centra Asia’s  climate mitigation goals. Buildings account for up to 80% of emissions in cities in the region, making their decarbonization crucial to expedite Central Asia’s path to climate neutrality.

The project “CCFLA Local Hubs: Central Asia Hub” seeks to accelerate the net zero carbon buildings’ transformation in the region, particularly in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. To this end, it promotes convening activities between CCFLA members and key stakeholders in the region and develop action-oriented knowledge products. Most CCFLA members active in Central Asia engage in project preparation activities, hence, activities focus on the role of project preparation in supporting the financing of net zero carbon buildings.

