Blog l New York Climate Week Recap: Highlights from CCFLA
For CCFLA, NYCW 2024 held special significance as it marked ten years since its inception at the UNGA in 2014 and five years since Climate Policy Initiative became its Secretariat.
read moreThe Publication Library is a collection of reports, tools, blogs, newsletters and webinars, covering the key issues in the field of urban climate finance. Search for the latest CCFLA Materials as well as materials from our Members.
For CCFLA, NYCW 2024 held special significance as it marked ten years since its inception at the UNGA in 2014 and five years since Climate Policy Initiative became its Secretariat.
read moreThe 2024 State of Cities Climate Finance report (SCCFR) provides the most comprehensive assessment of urban climate flows and needs globally. It aims to inform action on mobilizing finance for city-level climate action at scale by 2030.
read moreThis series presents tools to enhance urban governments’ access to climate finance by assessing national enabling framework conditions. It also includes findings from our pilot applications in India and Indonesia, where the CCFLA/UrbanAct National Assessment Tool was used to evaluate countries’ national-level EFCs and their effectiveness in mobilizing subnational climate finance.
read moreLearn about CCFLA’s 2023 impact in closing the investment gap for urban subnational climate projects and infrastructure worldwide.
read moreThis paper presents an overview of the landscape of project preparation support for the sector in Central Asia, identifies challenges, and provides recommendations to accelerate action.
read moreThis report is the third of a three-part series by CCFLA to promote a better understanding of the financing barriers and solutions for implementing net zero carbon buildings. It assesses the current use of financial instruments that can promote the development of Indonesia’s green buildings sector. It also explores how national and subnational regulatory frameworks can address the identified barriers to private and public investment.
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